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TitleJapanese: (Default: Any.)
Platform: (Default: Any.)
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Publisher: (Default: Any.)
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ReleaseDate beginning...: (Default: Earliest.)
...and ending: (Default: Latest.)
Sum sales through the week of: (Default: Latest.)
LaunchPrice as low as...: (Default: Lowest.) as high as: (Default: Highest.)
SalesLTD as low as...: (Default: Lowest.) as high as: (Default: Highest.)
GameID: (Default: Any.)
Order By: (Default: ReleaseDate ASC, Platform ASC, Publisher ASC, GameID ASC)
Result from #...: (Default: 1)
...through #: (Default: Highest.)
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Explanations / Notes:

Input values for any or all of the categories to narrow things down. _ is the wildcard for a single character, % is the wildcard for an indefinite number of characters.

Games released in 2000? ReleaseDate: 2000-%
Games released in March? ReleaseDate: %-03-%
Games released on the 10th? ReleaseDate: %-10
Mario games? TitleEnglish: %Mario%
Games with titles ending in DS? TitleEnglish: % DS
Games with a single digit ID? GameID: _
Games released by Square or Square Enix? Publisher: Square%

If you enter NONE for the later release date or price option, it will treat the first one as the only. Why would you want to do this? Though setting a time range is usually more useful, it doesn't completely allow everything the older one-input method allowed, such as the "Games released in March" and "Games released on the 10th" possibilities listed among the examples above.

Order by allows you to order the results as you wish. It's possible to order by Publisher, Platform, ReleaseDate, GameID, TitleEnglish, TitleJapanese, LaunchPrice, and SalesLTD. After each option put ASC for ascending order or DESC for descending order. Commas between first rule, second rule, and so on.

Order by platform alphabetically, then publishers alphabetically, then sales from greatest to least: Platform ASC, Publisher ASC, SalesLTD DESC
Order from most expensive to cheapest, then from most recent to oldest: LaunchPrice DESC, ReleaseDate DESC
Order by release date from earliest to most recent, then by platform, then by publisher, and if there's still any ambiguity go by the Game ID: ReleaseDate ASC, Platform ASC, Publisher ASC, GameID ASC (the default)

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# Platform Release
Publisher Launch
As of the
week of
# Platform Release
Publisher Launch
1 DS 2006-12-21 166 Heisei Kyouiku Ikan DS Namco Bandai Games 3990 226,124
2 DS 2006-12-21 244 Nounai Aesthe: IQ Suppli DS Spike 3990 258,476
3 PS2 2006-12-21 2544 Need for Speed: Carbon Electronic Arts 0 77,076
4 PS2 2006-12-21 2545 Seiken Densetsu 4: Dawn of Mana Square Enix 7140 340,878
5 PS3 2006-12-21 21 Need for Speed: Carbon Electronic Arts 0 34,921
6 PS3 2006-12-21 2 Armored Core 4 From Software 0 83,849
7 PS3 2006-12-21 28 Sonic the Hedgehog Sega 0 30,390
8 PS3 2006-12-21 24 Railfan Taito 0 9,869
9 PSP 2006-12-21 408 Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Konami 5229 358,277
10 PSP 2006-12-21 450 Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology Namco Bandai Games 5040 214,128
11 Wii 2006-12-21 70 Need for Speed: Carbon Electronic Arts 0 15,701
12 X360 2006-12-21 2642 Lost Planet Capcom 8379 61,555
13 X360 2006-12-21 2732 Need for Speed: Carbon Electronic Arts 0 9,373
14 X360 2006-12-21 2733 Sonic the Hedgehog Sega 0 6,647
Total known software sales through the week of 2013-02-04: 1,727,264.

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